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Laura V. Hyde Gifts of the Soul
January-February 2004
by Laura Grace

Gifts of the Soul by Laura Hyde
Gifts of the Soul

Faith: The Foundation for Every Dream

For me, faith is another word for positive thinking. When real faith grips you, you develop a mind-set that looks for the best in everything, refuses to give up, finds a way around (or through) every obstacle, and presses on to victory. --Norman Vincent Peale

In what do you place your faith? In your work? In another? In your own heart? A Course in Miracles teaches us that faith is an aspect of consciousness. Therefore, we either have faith in fear or in love. As I write this, four people come to mind who are presently following their hearts and taking leaps of faith as never before. These are people that I have come to know through my healing work, people who are placing their faith not in the shadowy illusion of fear, but in the unlimited power of Love. And most importantly, their faith is making their greatest dreams come true….

The first person, "Kristen," is a woman who went through a painful divorce a few years ago. Willing to let go of an unhappy marriage, Kristen knew that she had to become financially independent and assume full responsibility for herself and her son. Doing so brought forth many questions: "Was she competent enough to manage the enormous responsibility of taking care of her son and her newly created business? Could she achieve balance in her life?" Being faced with many unknowns, Kristen felt compelled to move forward, taking one small step at a time. How? By keeping one eye focused on her dreams, and the other eye centered on the present moment. And now, after having courageously faced each fear while looking through the eyes of faith and trust, she has created an entirely new landscape for herself. In fact, just a few weeks ago, Kristen purchased her first home, continues to nurture her thriving business and build a strong relationship with her son.

The next two people who exemplify heartfelt faith are a couple undergoing significant changes in their life. "Sharon" recently resigned from a secure position in the medical field and she and her husband, "Tim" have just sold their home and all of their belongings. In exchange, they purchased an older Volkswagen van and are about to strike out a 12-month cross-country tour on wheels. Sharon and Tim are both in their 40’s and have decided that they need not succumb to traditional societal standards regarding age or retirement status in order to experience life in the way their hearts prefer. Having dedicated their life to growth and awakening, these two adventurous spirits are stepping out of old comfort zones, knowing their faith will continue to navigate them along their soulful journey as they allow their dreams to unfold.

The last person who demonstrates an unusual strength of character is a woman whose spiritual growth has led to a wellspring of courage and kindness. "Hannah," like the others, has overcome many fears by following a heart filled with faith. This past year, Hannah resigned from her job, sold her home, and bid "farewell for now" to her loved ones. Why? Because Hannah is embarking on a transformational life experience. Hannah is in the process of completing a two-year assignment with the Peace Corps. At nearly 50 years old, this brave soul has chosen to commit her time, energy, and healing talents to those in need, in a part of the world completely unknown to her.

Perhaps you admire these people and are asking, "How are they able to accomplish so much?" "Why are they able to make their dreams come true?" We see others and think they must have something that we don’t. In truth, they have nothing that you and I don’t have. We are all provided with the same amount of courage and faith. We are all destined to live richly rewarding lives. The difference is, Kristen, Shannon, Tim and Hannah have removed their faith in fear and replaced it with a faith in love.

Each of these people are wonderful role models for they are demonstrating how to keep the faith, let go of attachment to outcome, remain in the present, and trust that everything that happens is for our higher good.

Starting now, be willing to accept there is an immense power silently working for your highest good in every single area of your life, and never mind the rest. Today, ask yourself, "What are my dreams? What do I wish to accomplish before I die?" The beginning of a New Year is an excellent time for creating a vision and then manifesting it as the year unfolds. Follow your heart and let faith in love be your guide….

© Copyright 2004 Laura Grace. All Rights Reserved.

 Laura's Books:

Gifts of the Soul by Laura Grace              The Intimate Soul by Laura Hyde

Read Laura's Past Columns:

December 2003 Column - "Touching the Heart of Others"

November 2003 Column - "Knowing How to Care for Yourself"

October 2003 Column - "Dreaming a Happy Life"

May 2003 Column - "Living the Authentic Life"

April 2003 Column - "Rising Above the Battleground"

March  2003 Column - "Healing Through Your Relationships"

February 2003 Column - "Are You Going with the Flow?"

January 2003 Column - "Living the Soulful Life"

December 2002 Column - "The Power to Change"

November 2002 Column - "Peace Begins at Home"

October 2002 Column - "Spiraling to Higher Ground"

September 2002 Column - "Cradled in Nature's Arms"

August 2002 Column - "Recovering Your Soul"

Laura V. Hyde
Laura Grace
is Co-founder of Infinite Wisdom, an organization dedicated to the highest human capacity, and a national author and speaker. As a regular contributor for publications across the U.S. and Canada, Laura writes about human awareness and spiritual growth. Laura is the author of the widely acclaimed books The Intimate Soul and Gifts of the Soul, and the creator and teacher of various programs including the Self-Mastery Program, The Art of Compassionate Forgiveness, Wonderful Women: Reclaiming Our Power, Passion and Purpose, and Cultivating the Intimate Life. Please visit Laura's web site at: www.LauraGrace.net.

As a spiritual counselor, Laura provides assistance in person and by phone. You may contact her for a free brochure at: laura@lauragrace.net.





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