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What's Your Number?SM
Summer-Fall 2006

Numerology Books

by Rob Ragozzine
of SimplyNumbers.com


Courage and Numerology

"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." –John Wayne

In this column, we’ll discuss Courage and Numerology. By courage I mean your ability to meet your doubts and fears, and reclaim the parts of your life that you've lost, denied or forgotten about. Our fears may cause us to live in a way that limits our growth and our choices. Instead of pursuing our interests, we give up and settle for whatever comes our way. Perhaps we can see the ways in which doubt or fear has forced us to live, or maybe not.

We all face some kind of worry, doubt or uncertainty. Do your doubts limit you? Perhaps you are limited by fear of shame, loneliness, rejection, loss, or being embarrassed. Maybe, you are not limiting yourself at all! You could already be leading a courageous, vibrant and active life like Keegan Reilly and Mark Wellman, who are both paraplegic mountain climbers. Perhaps, you are simply living with disease as best you can, like Gina Starks. Gina has a rare lung disease and is competing in a local beauty pageant. These people have faced their physical disabilities and decided to ask how they could still meet life.

You may have a vague idea of some of the ways in which you may have held yourself back, but others may have greater insight into the way in which you are living. Their perceptions can help you to make positive life changes, which can lead you to your true path. We’ll use some of the tools that Numerology provides to help us use these perceptions to make changes for growth in our lives. With courage, we can allow ourselves to examine how others see us. We can then begin to make the necessary constructive and positive changes.

"We're all afraid of something. The one fear we must all guard against is the fear of ourselves. Don't let the sensation of fear convince you that you're too weak to have courage. Fear is the opportunity for courage, not proof of cowardice. No one is born a coward. We were meant to love. And we were meant to have the courage for it." –Senator John McCain

Compassion is a necessary part of courage. With compassion we can heal our hurts and our fears. Having compassion for your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to give yourself a better chance for success. I believe that we can only really begin to live more courageously by facing life with compassion and an open mind and heart. By doing this, we can bring great change into our lives. What would your life be if you had the courage to hold nothing back and practiced compassion on a daily basis? Compassion brings joy, love and passion. After all, don’t we all want to live a life that is filled with radiance, joy, laughter and love? If you want to live this way, then you need to allow yourself to be open to the astonishing possibilities that life can bring. You need to care about yourself and the world around you. It might not be easy at first, but there can be tremendous rewards.

"I have come to see that challenges in life need not cripple us, but can shore us up. We live in a society that, to a large extent, measures worth by counting job promotions, the number of cars someone owns, their houses, their accomplishments. Now I ask not about success - who can’t handle that? I ask people about what they’ve endured - loss, error, failure, illness. To me that is a far more meaningful measure of accomplishment." –Paula Todd, author

Hopefully, you are ready and willing to pull up your sleeves, and dive into life. Are you ready for courage, if it means that you have a life that contains passion, enthusiasm, zeal, and love? Having courage means that you’re not afraid to have a life filled with these qualities. Of course, we all may face situations in which we feel that we should act courageous even when we don’t yet feel strong enough. What would happen if we admitted that we needed help? What would your life look like if you opened up, let down any false defenses and asked for help?

"If fear is a condition of courage, so too is love. It is love that makes us willing to sacrifice, love that gives us courage. And it was love that helped me endure five years of captivity in a Hanoi prisoner-of-war camp, the love and compassion that came from my comrades. Whenever I was down, my fellow prisoners picked me up, many times at risk to themselves. I learned what I didn't want to learn: that I had failings that required the assistance of others. The great privilege of my life is to be associated with men of courage who tried to impart their own courage to me." –Senator John McCain

Love is also a part of courage. Love is a part of compassion. Senator McCain realized that he could not be courageous alone, and that he needed other people. Maybe, like Sen. John McCain, you already have wonderful people in your life, who can pull you up and out of your doubts and fears. I really feel that it is important to find others who can help to remind us when we achieve great things and to pick us up when we fall. First, we have to be willing to let them in.

Courage has to become a way of life for us. We need to have the courage to live consciously. By allowing love into our lives, we can allow our friends and family to help us to live more courageously. Others may be inspiring to us, and be inspired by us as we attempt to live life in this way. However, we have to be willing to listen to our friends and family. Part of developing courage is letting in the love, kindness and compassion that others have for you. They may have information that might be painful to hear at first, but ultimately it should be able to help you improve yourself in some way. You probably can feel that just by listening, you are showing your friends and family that you hold what they have to say in high regard. Simply by listening to them you can deepen and strengthen your relationships.

Personal relationships can be enhanced, by finding ways in which partners can listen to one another. Couples may find that their intimacy is greatly enhanced and expanded even beyond what a mere touch could normally bring. But, it takes a willing heart and courage. As I have matured, I have learned how to listen and to be open in relationship. I have come to understand that in the past, I surrendered a great deal of my personality, to eliminate the need for arguments. With surrender, there was no need for arguments or discussion. I guess that, I didn’t know if there was room for both my needs, and the needs of the relationship. With time, I have learned that I was surrendering, and that I could choose instead to be present, and really engage. Otherwise, the relationship is one sided and not being nurtured. I’ve come to see that in general, healthy arguments can help to identify the weeds in the relationship. Listening then, is like gardening for your relationship.

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." –Anais Nin

Within Numerology, your Life Path number can be one of the best tools to rely on in your pursuit of courage. It can be a guiding force, as it can be used to highlight the path in life that will bring you the most joy. Generally, you will feel drawn to the activities that your Life Path describes. For those of us who have the courage to constantly seek out new challenges, it generally highlights those pursuits that will potentially be most rewarding to you. Of course, your Life Path number also describes the theme of the lessons that you learn through your experiences. The more you take on worthwhile challenges, the more experience you will gain about yourself. Hopefully, your friends and family will be able to see how your accomplishments enable your growth. You will need to be vulnerable and have the capability to listen to them, when they alert you to when you are straying from your true path.

Consider an individual with a Life Path of 1. This path is about standing on your own two feet, developing your own will, individuality, determination, and expressing your creativity. For these people, creativity strongly pulls at their soul. They will have to learn to be courageous and find ways to artistically express themselves. Others may recognize their creativity and encourage them early in life. However, circumstances may cause these individuals to divert their energies away from creative pursuits, toward more materialistic ones.

The 2 Life Path is about cooperation, passion, service and balance. Being generous, honest and caring will help these individuals to bring out the best in themselves. Often others will seek them out for information, advice, and help. As an individual with a Life Path of 2, courage may come in to play, when you are forced to choose between multiple worthy causes. You will need to learn about discernment early in life, as you can easily be pulled in several different directions at once.

With courage, you can lead a life filled with love and compassion. With courage, you can allow yourself to be more conscious of the way in which you live your life. Are you following your ideals? Are you filled with joy and passion? Are you aware of yourself and your inner needs? With courage, you can lead a more conscious life and gradually you’ll be able to make important changes within your life.

As you become more aware, and energize your insight and inner awareness, you’ll be able to be more aware of your personal patterns. Then as your develop new levels of courage you can slowly take the steps to eliminate potentially harmful habits, limiting beliefs or negative patterns. As you listen to others and begin to make healthy changes in your life, your relationships can improve because loved ones now feel listened to, desired, and cared for.

You can bring more courage into your life, but you have to have faith that you can!

Good luck in your journey into Soulful living and Numerology.
Tools & Resources:

Life Path:

Courageous people articles:
Gina Starks

Keegan Reilly

Mark Wellman

Copyright © 2006 Rob Ragozzine. All Rights Reserved. 

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