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by Rob Ragozzine
of SimplyNumbers.com

Connecting with the Greater Whole with the Help of Numerology

“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”  --Albert Einstein

Within life we all have our own roles to play. It is really up to us to discover what your role or true purpose is. It’s about having the tenacity, desire and courage to realize that we are all important, and that we all are part of the mystery of life.

As they say in the theater, “There are no small parts. Only small actors."

What you do has meaning. We are all important. Your actions influence the people in your life, and then those people influence others. We’re all connected. Recent studies that measure happiness show just how connected we really are. The studies show that those people with many close social connections were the happiest.

"Each additional happy person (in your social network) makes you happier," -- Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School

"Imagine that I am connected to you and you are connected to others and others are connected to still others. It is this fabric of humanity, like an American patch quilt. Each person sits on a different-colored patch. Imagine that these patches are happy and unhappy patches. Your happiness depends on what is going on in the patch around you,"  -- Nicholas Christakis

The results from the work of Nicholas Christakis  makes it clear that the happier you are, the happier those people connected to you will be. The more you dedicate your life to discovering your true purpose, the more you will help yourself,  and the people that you are connected to. Gradually as you become more conscious and alive, the whole world can slowly become awake, alive and connected.

Again, we each have our role to play. We are all part of the greater whole and we are more connected to our world than many of us even realize. In understanding your active and vital connection to the world, Your Destiny Number can help to guide you toward living a life that really matters to you. As a tool to understand your life experiences, your Destiny Number describes ways in which you can best live in order to live up to your fullest potential. We all have experiences that we will pass through. Your own experiences will help to shape the person that you will become.   

The Destiny number describes those situations, actions and decisions that you really are compelled to choose for growth in your life. At first, others may more clearly see which decisions are best for you. Consider their wisdom carefully. However, it is always up to you to decide what you really want to do with your life and how you want to live. But, sometimes those close to us can easily identify strengths within us, that we cannot yet see. Please understand that your choices and possibilities are limitless. Know that the knowledge that comes from living up to your Destiny Number can be vital to your personal growth, and the growth of those people that really matter to you.

Your Destiny number can also help to illustrate the general emotions, attitudes, moods, and
personal characteristics that you bring into your life and to any situation. For instance, others might be aware of your strong sense of caring, empathy or tolerance and may guide you toward situations which call for a strong and caring individual. Perhaps too, your sense of tolerance could lead you into a career in education or similar field.

As your Destiny number is tightly linked with your emotions, listening to your emotions can  help to alert you when you are not necessarily making choices for your growth and betterment of the world around you. By paying attention to your inner needs, you can feel better about yourself. When you feel stuck, blocked or challenged that can be an indicator that you have strayed off of your path. As you gain maturity and experience, you'll learn how to find a better sense of balance and be able to quickly get yourself back on your true path.

Being aware of your emotions can also help you to mature as an individual and lead to the development of compassion, acceptance, and tolerance, too. All of which are important in helping to support and grow strong families and communities. Connecting with your inner self, can lead to a better outer world. That can help us to become one. To become whole. Together, we all can grow stronger.

Developing a personal practice around compassion can help you to strengthen your ties with those important people in your life. And, a practice of compassion can help you to realize that we are not separate. It can also help you to recognize the importance of the spiritual within your life.

"I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It is the ultimate source of success in life. " --Dalai Lama

Having compassion for yourself is always a key part of any personal practice of compassion. Understanding that you are human is important.  It is hoped that you use the information gained from your Destiny Number, or any number in Numerology, for healthy and constructive self growth. At certain times we all make mistakes or feel stuck. As you mature, you'll also gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. When you're confident in yourself, then you'll be closer to living up to your own true potential and the potential indicated by your Destiny Number.

Whatever Destiny Number you have can be a source of personal motivation. It's like a inner natural talent. For instance, Destiny Number 8 is about ambition and authority, With a Destiny Number 8, you'll learn to value yourself and work with your drive for authority. Of course, authority can come from a position of power within the business world, or it can come from a strong leadership position with the political or educational world.  For me, authority involves a balance between knowledge and compassion. It also about learning to look at my true inner needs, versus the needs of my ego. I often find myself assisting others with technology problems. I can know the right way to solve a difficult problem, but I can also work in a manner that does not make others feel hurt or unintelligent. I can include them in the solution.

Any process of learning about yourself is about balance. Authority has its place, but so does tolerance and acceptance. We are all powerful. We all have a place. We help to build a better world when we utilize our power and strength for the betterment of everyone. It's about accepting that you are part of a connected world. It's about accepting that you are not alone. You're decisions matter, and can dynamically change the world around you. For me, accepting my impact on others is often a struggle. Learning about acceptance may be difficult for you, but if you want the world to care and be concerned about you, you must first accept and care about your world.

As you mature and gain spiritual strength you will learn that your own feelings are as important as the feelings of everyone else. You'll also learn that your goals don't have to be mutually exclusive to the goals of others. Working with your Destiny Number can be an important part of your process and growth. Compassion may be another way. Compassion can transform your resistance into openness and acceptance. Being open can help you to live a more fulfilled life.

With trust and experience you'll be able to accept and make space for your your fears and all of your feelings. Know that by accepting them you'll gain a better personal understanding of who you really are. By accepting your true self, you can also help others to do the same. Every obstacle or difficulty that you encounter can be an life changing experience that can support your own growth and the growth of others.  

There can be times in our lives when we forget that maintaining an inner life and spiritual essence is an important part of  living within the world. We all need to feed our spirits. Working together, we can succeed beyond our wildest dreams. That's part of what oneness and togetherness is about.  It's about connection to world outside and your spirit within. When you breathe spirit into your life, you breathe passion, commitment, connection and meaning into all of life. Spirit helps us all to live and be more connected.


Nicholas A. Christakis

Happiness is Contagious

Destiny Number

Copyright © 2009 Rob Ragozzine. All Rights Reserved. 

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